Unsere Kooperationspartner:
  • Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung, Hamburg
  • Arkitektforening
  • SBH | Schulbau Hamburg
  • db | Deutsche Bauzeitung
  • Danske Arkitekt Virksomheder
  • GMH | Gebäudemanagement Hamburg
  • VBE | Verband Bildung und Erziehung
  • BDA | Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten
  • Stadt Dresden
  • BauNetz
  • Bundesstiftung Baukultur
  • AKH | Architekten- und Stadtplanerkammer Hessen
  • VDP | Verband Deutscher Privatschulverbände
  • Architektenkammer Sachsen
  • Stadt Frankfurt
  • HCU | HafenCity Universität Hamburg
  • BSO | Berliner Schulbauoffensive
  • Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie (SenBJF), Berlin
  • DGNB | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhatliges Bauen
  • Detail
  • bdla | Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekt:innen
  • FVHF | Fachverband Baustoffe und Bauteile für vorgehängte hinterlüftet Fassaden e.V.
  • fassadentechnik
  • Stadt Chemnitz
  • WA | Wettbewerbe aktuell
Auf unserer SCHULBAU Köln:
  • Uta Winterhager | DipArch MArch
  • Markus Greitemann | Dezernent für Stadtentwicklung, Planen und Bauen der Stadt Köln (Taskforce Schulbau Köln/ Dezernat VI)
  • Simon Adenauer | Abteilungsleiter Planen und Bauen, Architektenkammer Nordrhein-Westfalen
  • Dirk Tillmann | Dipl. Ing. Architekt, RKW+ Architekten, Düsseldorf
  • Ellen Schindler | De zwarte Hond, Rotterdam
  • Tobias Burgholz | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Heinz Trox Wissenschafts gGmbH, Aachen
  • Olivia Maciejowski | Das innovative BI® Trainingsprogramm
  • Simone Marhenke | Geschäftsführerin Bildung der Handwerkskammer zu Köln
  • Silke Richter, Schulleiterin der Erich-Kästner-Gesamtschule, Duisburg
  • Prof. Frank Hausmann | Dipl.-Ing. Architekt BDA, Geschäftsführer, Hausmann Architektur GmbH, Aachen
  • Friederike Proff | Dipl.-Ing. Architektin, stellv. Vorsitzende des BDB, Mitglied im AKNW - Vorstand, Düsseldorf
  • Dipl. Kffr. Britt Lorenzen | Synergie - Vernetzungs- und Kooperationsmanagement, Dortmund
  • Stefan Niemann, Pädagoge, SICHT.weise Beratung, Lüneburg
  • Fabienne Bücker | Architektin bei mobispace und auf Bildungsbauten sowie öffentliche Vergaben spezialisiert
  • Sascha Bormann | Amtsleitung, Amt für Gebäudewirtschaft, Stadt Wesseling
  • Gianni Cito | Architekt, Partner Moke Architecten, Amsterdam
  • Christopher Frett | Dipl. Ing. Architekt, B.Sc., Bruncken Frett Architekten BDA, Köln
  • Raphaella Burhenne de Cayres | Dipl.-Ing. Architektin M.Sc AKNW, Köln
  • Christoph Gusovius | Leiter der Zentralabteilung bei Ministerium für Schule und Bildung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
  • Florian Nohl | Pädagoge, Mannheim
  • Daniel Schacht, Rechtsanwalt und Partner bei der Holthoff-Pförtner Wassermann Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, Essen
  • Vera-Lisa Schneider | Referatsleiterin, Ministerium für Schule und Bildung NRW
  • Professor Xaver Egger | sehw Architektur, Berlin
  • Dirk Landwehr, Dipl. Ing. Architekt, Trapez Architektur, Hamburg
  • Ministerium für Schule und Bildung NRW
  • Tina Snedker Kristensen | Leiterin Nachhaltigkeit und Kommunikation Troldtekt

Tickets Köln

Am 25. und 26. September findet unsere SCHULBAU Messe in Köln statt. Sichern Sie sich direkt Ihre Tickets für's Event.

Hier geht es direkt zum Shop

Salon & Messe SCHULBAU


25. - 26. Sep  Köln
27. - 28. Nov  Berlin


02. - 03. Apr Leipzig
07. - 08. Mai München
03. Juni Kopenhagen (DK)
09. - 10. Sep Hamburg
05. - 06. Nov Berlin

Click here for the german version.

On the 13th and 14th of June, we will be in Copenhagen for the first time with the SCHULBAU Salon and Fair for School Building. Visit us in Docken, one of the city's top venues, to expand your network with innovative exhibitors, exciting lectures and good food.

"For more than ten years, I have been bringing together architectural and engineering firms as well as municipalities and investors from across national borders for building schools.
In Denmark, I work closely with C.F. Møller Architects, Danske Ark and its architectural members, and Rådet for Bæredygtigt Byggeri. A new addition is the Danish Akademisk Arkitektforeningen. In Germany, I bring together BDA (Association of German Architects), Bundesstiftung Baukultur, Montag Stiftung Jugend und Gesellschaft, DGNB, Building Green Council, most major German building authorities and important associations and federations of the German construction industry," says Kirsten Jung, founder of SCHULBAU. Extending her Hamburg base to Copenhagen, living and working in both cities, she is deepening contacts between Danish companies and her extensive network in Germany.
For this reason, a SCHULBAU fair will be held in Copenhagen for the first time, and under the name SKOLEBYGGERI.


Our Highlights

The networking event will be moderated by Kirsten Jung, SCHULBAU founder, and Prof. Jan Krause from the Office for Architectural Thinking.
The guest speakers are:
  • Palle Bo Rasmussen, architect and client consultant specialized in Education and Health Care Buildings, will explain how Danish architects can best compete for projects in Germany.
  • Josefine Buck Maurer, project manager and technical consultant Green Building Council DK, will talk about certified sustainable construction.
  • Janina Zerbe, partner at KHR Architekten, and Volker Petters, from bp:a Petters Architekten, will present their extraordinary school building project.
  • Marc-Christoph Wagner, director of the Louisiana Channel at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art and former chairman of the German-Danish Sankt Petri School in Copenhagen, presents successful pedagogical strategies in Denmark and Germany.
  • The Feldballe School is presented by Henning Larsen Architects.

Day 2: Focus on Recycling

The second day of the event will be opened by Kirsten Jung together with Astrid Mody and Mette Rose Eriksen, representatives of the Copenhagen Municipality for School Construction.

  • Prof. Dr. Prof. E.h. Dr. h. c. Walter Kaminsky will explain the process of plastic recycling.
  • Architect Julian Weyer, partner at C.F. Møller Architects, presents the Waldau Open School project. This discussion is deepened with Barbara Pampe from the Montag Stiftung Jugend und Gesellschaft, Bonn.
  • Marcia Canales, of Kamleitner Canales Architects, presents strategies on redevelopment and transformation.
  • Anders Lendager from the Lendager Group will talk about upcycling, using The Swan kindergarten as an example.
  • Rosan Bosch presents a school building project designed by the Rosan Bosch Studio.
  • Martin Krogh, founding partner of Adept Architects, talks about the connection between architecture and urban development.

Workshops and Excursion

The five workshops provide the special highlight, each one allows the architects to meet with school administrators, public authorities, public / private investors, and each other.

Our excursion to three innovative schools around Copenhagen begins by bus, departing directly after the trade fair program's second day. A separate ticket can be booked on our website for € 50 €.

The fair's languages are Danish, German and English. The workshops and the stage program will be held in English, with interpreters available.

Let's Rock SCHULBAU in the Evening

An engaging art feature will accentuate the reception of Let's Rock SCHULBAU, on the first evening of the 13th. In addition to music, drinks and snacks, a discussion on art between Jenny Falckenberg and Marc-Christoph Wagner is offered. The Hamburg based gallery owner, Falckenberg of Unique Art Concepts and daughter of prominent collector Harald Falckenberg, will bring major artists such as Christian Awe and works by Karl Goerlich to be exhibited at Docken.

Full program here.
Get your tickets here.

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